Experience open and secure communication in building automation at the BACnet stand in Hall 9.0<\/strong><\/h4>\n\n\n\nAachen, 22.09.2022 \u2013 Wenn am 2. Oktober die Light + Building 2022 in Frankfurt am Main \u00f6ffnet, erlebt die Fachwelt der Geb\u00e4udeautomation ein Novum. Mit BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet\/SC) werden BACnet-Systeme vor Cyberangriffen gesch\u00fctzt. Diese wichtige Erg\u00e4nzung des BACnet-Standards (ISO16484-5) ist wegweisend f\u00fcr alle Anwender. Auf dem Stand der BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) in Halle 9.0 Stand E10 werden L\u00f6sungen in Verbindung mit BACnet\/SC zusammen mit vielen weiteren spannenden Produktinnovationen vorgestellt.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n
Der BACnet-Stand ist eine gro\u00dfe Informationszentrale mit zahlreichen Ausstellern: Bihl+Wiedemann, Contemporary Controls, Delta Controls, Johnson Controls Systems & Service, OpenEMS, Phoenix Contact Electronics, Renesas Electronics, Sauter, TEMA AG, Thread Group, Tridium Europe LTD, T\u00dcV S\u00fcd Industrie Service. Logoaussteller sind ABB, Belimo und Kieback&Peter. Systemwelten an der Schnittstelle von BACnet, Open Metering System (OMS) bzw. Niagara pr\u00e4sentieren EiElectronics, OAS Open AutomationSystem sowie MBS gemeinsam mit Celus, Cascoda und Baer Energie- & Messtechnik auf dem benachbarten \u201eMarketplace Open Building Automation\u201c (9.0, D20) sowie die EnOcean Alliance (9.0 D10).<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Kurze Wege zwischen den Experten verschiedenster Bereiche und Informationen aus erster Hand lohnen einen Besuch. Neben L\u00f6sungen in Verbindung mit BACnet\/SC pr\u00e4sentieren die Aussteller neue Automationsstationen, Gateways, Sensoren und Steuerungen mit BACnet-Schnittstelle \u2013 alle auch f\u00fcr k\u00fcnftige Anforderungen ger\u00fcstet.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Presentation theatre<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n
The “information center” at the BACnet booth also includes a presentation theatre with an extensive lecture program: here, users, suppliers and representatives of the standards present the latest developments and products. The theatre offers first-hand, in-depth insights into the digitalization of building automation. The wide-ranging program \u2013 daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. – includes more than 50 short presentations focusing on IT security, energy management and cloud solutions. Other highlights include BACnet Secure Connect, KNX IoT, EnOcean technology and more.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Game changer in building automation<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n
With BACnet\u00ae Secure Connect (BACnet\/SC), the communication standard presents itself as a secure IoT platform for buildings. BACnet\/SC is a game changer in building automation. The addition of a communication layer systematically protects the building infrastructure against attacks. The additional layer is built on proven security standards from the IT sector. As a consensus-based development supported by the entire community, this is a significant step towards holistic cyber security in the building. At the same time, BACnet\/SC also opens up new possibilities for connectivity. The presented BACnet solutions are thus increasingly in the focus of building planners. Many manufacturers have already equipped their new products “BACnet\/SC ready”.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
“Networking the BACnet Standard in Europe” \u2013 what visitors can expect at the BACnet booth<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n