Partners & Liaisons


Working group for mechanical and electrical engineering of state and municipal administrations

The Working Group for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of State and Municipal Administrations was founded in 1975 but has more than 100 years of history through predecessor organizations. In the AMEV, the experts for technical building services at federal, state and local level have a committee for the exchange of experience and the development of joint recommendations which are applied throughout the public building sector.

BACnet France


In 2007, a group of French industrialists, on the initiative of the President of the trade union Automatismes du génie climatique et de la Régulation pour l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments (ACR), decided to create the BACnet France association to enable industrialists to promote this protocol in France under the auspices of the European association BIG EU (BACnet Interest Group Europe).



BACnet International, Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), DALI Alliance, KNX Association, OCF, and Thread Group join forces in the new IP-BLiS initiative.

Together they are promoting a secure multi-standard IP-based infrastructure as a backbone in building automation to replace the inefficient, still-widespread use of siloed solutions. For this purpose, the operation of leading technology standards is to be harmonised, the fragmentation in smart building connectivity reduced and a broad acceptance of coexistent solutions promoted.


Open Platform Communication

OPC is the interoperability standard for secure and reliable data exchange in industrial automation and other industries. It is platform-independent and ensures the seamless flow of information between devices from different manufacturers. The OPC Foundation is responsible for the development and maintenance of this standard.


Communication Protocol

KNX is a communication protocol developed for — and widely used in —home and building automation. It is a standardized (EN 50090, ISO/IEC 14543), OSI-based network communications protocol that is administered by the KNX Association.
The standard is based on the communication stack of the European Installation Bus (EIB) but enlarged with the physical layers, configuration modes, and application experience of BatiBUS and EHS.
