BIG-EU Elects New Executive Board

Was bidden farewell with great thanks: Karl Heinz Belser (Johnson Controls, centre). Represented on the new BIG-EU Board: Konstantinos Kafandaris (Honeywell, l.) and President Thomas Kurowski (Siemens, r.). Not in the picture are the Board members Nils-Gunnar Fritz (MBS) and Tobias Plath (Johnson Controls).

Thomas Kurowski replaces Karl Heinz Belser as President

The members of the BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) elected a new leadership team at the General Meeting in Frankfurt. Karl Heinz Belser (Johnson Controls), a board member for 24 years and president of the association from 2020 to 2022, did not stand for re-election. The members present unanimously elected Thomas Kurowski (Siemens) as the new President.

The new Board also includes Nils-Gunnar Fritz (MBS) as treasurer, Konstantinos Kafandaris (Honeywell) as secretary and Tobias Plath (Johnson Controls). Thomas Kurowski expressly thanked the leaving President Karl Heinz Belser for his many years of excellent work on the Board.

Tobias Plath is also the new head of the BIG-EU Marketing Working Group. Salvatore Cataldi from Belimo continues to head the Working Group Technique. In addition, Kai Rohrbacher (Siemens), Alexander Herbst (Johnson Controls), Stefan Pfützer (Saia), Christoph Zeller (Sauter), Michael Malderle (Tridium), Alexandra Henczka (MBS), Jürgen Keller (GEZE), Patrick Lützel (TÜV Süd), Dan Napar (BACnet France) and Roland Grelle (M+M) are members of the BIG-EU Advisory Board.

The new Advisory Board of the BIG-EU (from left to right): Roland Grelle (M+M), Christoph Zeller (Sauter), Jürgen Keller (GEZE), Michael Malderle (Tridium), Salvatore Cataldi (Belimo), Alexandra Henczka (MBS), Stefan Pfützer (Saia). Not in the picture are Alexander Herbst (Johnson Controls), Patrick Lützel (TÜV Süd), Dan Napar (BACnet France) and Kai Rohrbacher (Siemens).

The next dates for the BIG-EU have already been fixed: At the beginning of May 2023, the association members will meet in Paris for the Spring Meeting and the subsequent Plugfest. At the beginning of October 2023, the Autumn Meeting including the General Meeting 2023 will take place in Barcelona.
