Aachen, June 24, 2024 – “Security in Building Automation” is a current topic of great importance. The Working Group Facility Management (WG-FM) of the BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) has therefore developed a guideline on this topic. A public review is now being organized to review and further improve this guideline. All interested parties are invited to contribute.
The aim of the new WG-FM guideline “Security in Building Automation” is to define the framework conditions for the secure operation of a property. It serves to present currently valid requirements for the IT/OT security of buildings. Binding requirements exist in Germany for operators of critical infrastructures (KRITIS) and federal authorities. The guide is also aimed at all operators, planners, installers and consultants of technical building equipment systems and, in particular, building automation systems. The guide is not intended to create IT/OT security concepts. It is intended to provide an overview of the necessary activities with corresponding references to already established tools.
Current status including comment form on the BIG-EU website
The guideline is based on the life cycle phases in FM of the “GEFMA 100” guideline (www.gefma.de/service/shop) and takes into account the individual service profiles of the Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers (HOAI – www.hoai.de/hoai/leistungsphasen), which are divided into nine service phases (LP). In the first step, WG-FM assessed and defined LP 0 (operational concept, requirements planning) and LP 1 (basic evaluation). The current status 06/24 of these service phases can be downloaded as a PDF document from the website www.big-eu.org/resources – including a comment form and further information. All interested parties are invited to review and comment on the guidelines and submit them to the BIG-EU office by July 26, 2024. The guideline and the form are only available in German.