Aachen, 11.09.2024 – The BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) regularly publishes free journals that provide information about the BACnet technology, solutions with BACnet and the activities of the BACnet community. The new issue of the “BACnet Europe Journal” (German and English) focuses on the WG-FM guideline “Cyber Security in Building Automation”, the German Building Energy Act (GEG) and the first part of the new interview series “Young Talent for Building Automation”.
The 41st edition of the BACnet Europe Journal comprises 60 pages with a wealth of interesting content relating to building automation with BACnet. Published shortly before the 36th GLT-Anwendertagung (BMS User Conference) on September 9, it focuses on the new guideline “Cyber Security in Building Automation”. The guideline was developed by the BIG-EU Working Group Facility Management (WG-FM), including numerous responses from industry circles through the public review in August, and was presented at the BMS User Conference.
The BACnet Insight section includes an article by Prof. Dr. Michael Krödel, Professor of Building Automation and Technology at Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences, on the legally prescribed level of automation in the German Building Energy Act (GEG 2024).
Another highlight is the new interview series “Young Talent in Building Automation”. The interview series begins with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Frauenrath from Aachen University of Applied Sciences (FH Aachen), who supervises several subjects on the Smart Building Engineering (SBE) course.
The BACnet Europe Journal is the European trade journal for building automation based on BACnet technology. Twice a year, competent experts report on all topics related to BACnet: from trends in building automation, applications, new products and services, training courses to BACnet certification. Readers are also informed about the who’s who of the BACnet community, events and publications. A particular focus is on the activities of the BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) and its members. The journal is available free of charge via the website www.bacnetjournal.org.