Case Studies

Upper River Valley Hospital

Waterville, NB, Canada, Canada
Leed award
Upper River Valley Hospital

The Upper River Valley Hospital is a 70 bed health care facility located in Waterville New Brunswick Canada. The Hospital was built using LEED strategies and achieved LEED Silver status.

The facility has its own well water field to supply both potable and non potable water reservoirs. The rain water and water used in the reverse osmosis water purifying systems is captured and used in the non potable reservoirs. The non potable reservoirs can be filled by the well field and via the recovery system. The BMS system by user defined levels in the non potable reservoir can allow the levels to drop if there is an expected rain fall thus alleviating the use of the well field when rain fall is expected.

The facility also has its own waste water treatment plant. The main building is oriented to take advantage of natural lighting. Patient rooms have large windows allowing the natural light into the space. The main mechanical systems utilize tried and true control strategies which keep energy consumptions to a minimum.

The project was a fast track and rumored to be one of the fastest in Canada. This proposed difficulties in our staffing needs but with the Delta product simplicity and reliability this helped with the severe time crunch as we neared completion.

Integration was also key to this project, we integrated with ABB(25+VFD’s), Trane (3 Chillers), Cleaver-Brooks (6 Boilers), MGI (11 VFD’s this was their first BACnet integration). The BMS also controls the smoke control sequence; feedback from the fire alarm system initiates 20+ strategies. A commissioning agent was utilized in the commissioning of the facility to ensure that the mechanical systems are operating in the most energy efficient manner.

The “Do It Right” philosophy in both the Delta product and our skilled staff has made this project a success for us and the owner of this facility. We are proud to have been a part of URVH.

Special Features

LEED Silver

Products/Equipment Installed

OWS / Integrated OWS - 3
Webserver / ORCAweb - 1
Area Controllers - DSM - 12
System Controllers - DSC - 46
Application Controllers - DAC - 610

Systems IntegratedBoiler, Chiller
Number of Devices709
System Points7,716
System IntegratorControls & Equipment
Controls ContractorControls & Equipment
Controls ContractorDelta Controls, Trane